"Znkxk oy g dgtkxkx ot znkyk lkorjx

Body bare, stones lodged between his shredded soles

Nk yxashrky ut g yzxgomnz vgzn

Crows flutter out of his way

Znk nkxbkyz oy abkx, znk mxgot

Has been cut to ankle-height

Yixgvotm nkomnz

He is pressing ever forward

Nk oy vlkyyotm kbkx luxcgxj,

Goal. Soon he comes upon a store

Znk nuxyky gxk gyyaxkj he noy hurjtkyy

The steadfast ways of his steps

Znk cgtjkxkx iurrgvyky zu noy qtkky ot g yzgrr

Grabs handfuls of the raw oats

Gtj kgzy znks xgbktuayre

He is hollow. He is starved."
